Engagement and community outreach were guiding principles for Investing With North Minneapolis. Below, you will find a list of past events hosted by IWNM project participants, organized by year.
Click an arrow below to explore the events hosted by the IWNM team!

2023 Events
In fall of 2022, the Investing with North Minneapolis project once again included high school interns in the Northside Safety NET Environmental Initiative program who collaborated with University of Minnesota students. The thirteen interns and thirteen students met and had reviews on Wednesdays at Farview Park and Creekview Recreation Centers. We invited design professionals and experts including community members to reviews and held public community design events on three Saturdays, at Creekview and Farview.
Co-Design Community Events
September 16
September 27
October 14
November 4
Community members joined the Investing with North Minneapolis team to walk, talk, model and draw with us! To get broader input, we hosted design events to which the entire North Minneapolis community was invited. Organized by our project team and advisory group with help from students and interns, we discussed safe neighborhood walking routes and landmarks before meeting to share lunch and to design together. These events were designed to generate sustainable, informed and just urban designs that represent community visions of future neighborhood designs. They served as the basis for the development of urban design projects during the semester.
Project Design Reviews
September 18
November 15
There were several Investing with North Minneapolis project reviews, where the interns and Masters of Architecture Students presented their design proposals for feedback and input. Community members and local professionals represented different neighborhood perspectives and expertise. Some community members were new to the project, while others have served as reviewers for one or multiple years.
November 15– Schematic Design Review
New Orleans Trip
September 30
October 1
October 2
October 3
Travel opens our eyes to unfamiliar places, patterns of living, and architecture. The university students took a 3-day class visit to New Orleans, journeying through such sites as Congo Park, the French Quarter, the Garden District, and the Algiers neighborhood. Highlights included Treme’s Petit Jazz Museum, the French Quarter Market, and brunch at Café Reconcile. In their sketchbooks, students analyzed architectural motifs, urban design, the relationship between New Orleans and North Minneapolis, and alignment with “Just Cities” values.
Intern Wednesdays
October 4
October 18
October 25
November 1
November 29
Each Wednesday for two-hour classes, students and interns met at Farview and Creekview Parks to design together. Using drawings, models and deep discussion of the North Minneapolis challenges, the interns provided down-to-earth understanding of the neighborhood context, collaboratively creating solutions grounded in interns’ experience and their training in sustainability. The final proposals were generated and developed during these collaborative workdays.
Special Workdays:
October 18 & 25– Working with models to explore organization on site
November 1– Interns at Rapson: working with models to explore programmatic details
November 6– Money Day: Working with developers to ascertain build ability of projects
Travel in North Minneapolis
October 5
October 6
Between the dates of October 4th and 6th, our class volunteered with and visited local sites to become familiarized with developments relevant to North Minneapolis. They brought their sketchbooks and helping hands.
October 4th– Site visit, Volunteering and Dinner at Pillsbury’s Oak Park Garden and Center hosted by Michael Chaney
October 5th– Walking in the North Minneapolis neighborhoods
October 6th– Visit to Settled Tiny Homes Project with Gabrielle Clowdus
Panel Discussions & Speakers
October 16
October 23
Our class hosted a panel discussion with Catherine Fleming (Project Sweetie Pie), Shanasha Wilson (Community Partnership Collaborative), Clifton Williams (Grow Us), and Dane McLain (North Community High School).
October 23- We hosted Stephen Obayuwana (Northside Economic Opportunity Network (NEON))
In-Class Sketch Model Making @ UMN
October 30
Sketch model-making and representation allow us to explore ideas quickly. They test the degree to which our ideas are architectural (spatial, material, buildable), especially ideas about human experience and activities. Our class fabricated work using a variety of scales, media and tools to demonstrate how a spatial condition can generate sensory feedback tuned toward achieving a design goal.
Final Review
Final Celebration
December 6
The final celebration was an opportunity to celebrate the student and intern work, and present it to the broader community. Taking place at the Farview Park Community Center where we had most of our Wednesday classes and Co-Design events, it was a festive occasion that included refreshments and lunch.
2022 Events
In fall of 2022, seven high school student interns who formed the Northside Safety NET Environmental Initiative collaborated with eight University of Minnesota students on the Investing with North Minneapolis project. Interns and students met and had reviews on Wednesdays at Farview Park Recreation Center. We invited design professionals and experts including community members to reviews and held community design events on two Saturdays, also at Farview.
Come and Co-Design Community Events
October 1
October 15
Community members joined the Investing with North Minneapolis team to walk, talk, and draw with us! To get neighborhood input, we hosted public design events to which the entire North Minneapolis community was invited.
We held all three Co-Design events at Farview Park. At the first two events, Shawn Lewis of the Minneapolis Parks Foundation led the interns, students and community on a walk in the nearby neighborhood. Afterwards, the group shared a meal and gathered for a collaborative design session. This first session addressed what the neighborhood should be like, good existing conditions, what could be changed, and what could be added.
At the second Co-Design event, participants gave feedback on the designs the interns and students created in response to the first meeting.
The final celebration in December was an opportunity to present the completed work of the interns and students.
Travel in North Minneapolis
October 4-6
For our studio travel, we decided to spend time getting to know North Minneapolis and important projects in the Twin Cities.
October 4- Eden Garden Volunteering
October 4- Dee-Dee’s Food Volunteering
October 5- Site Visit to Upper Harbor Terminal
October 6- Visit to Rondo Neighborhood
October 6- Visit to Mosaic Settled Project
Community Project Reviews
October 12
October 26
November 15
December 16
We held five community project reviews at which interns and Masters of Architecture students presented their design. proposals for feedback and input. Community members, some of whom have participated in previous years, represented different neighborhood perspectives, while local professionals and academics brought their expertise.
October 12- Urban Analysis & Design Options
October 26- Urban Project Proposals
November 15- Urban Schematic Design
December 16- Final Project Community Review
Panel Discussions & Speakers
October 19
November 14
November 28
October 19- Keith Baker lecture on Rondo Project in St. Paul
November 14- Building in North Minneapolis: Matthew Ramadan & Kitty Stratton
November 28- Panel: Creating the Commons in North Minneapolis: Parks and the Just City with Paul Bauknight (Minneapolis Parks Foundation), Shawn Lewis (Minneapolis Parks Foundation) & Adam Arvidson (Minneapolis Parks & Recreation Board)
October 4
November 4
Students and interns took advantage of several opportunities to volunteer in the community.
October 4- Eden Garden Volunteering
October 4- Dee-Dee’s Food Volunteering
November 4- Eden Garden Volunteering
Final Review
December 5
Students and interns presented final work at Rapson Hall, University of Minnesota for review by community members, university faculty and professionals who had participated in reviews throughout the semester.

Class Celebration
2021 Events
The fall 2021 semester Northside Community Connection project took place during the second year of COVID. For this reason, community meetings and reviews happened in the Zoom format. We were able to make site visits that were out-of-doors. We held Wednesday classes and several reviews in person with masks at the Robert E. Jones University Research and Outreach-Engagement Center (UROC). Several other reviews with masks were held at Rapson Hall at the University of Minnesota. These Rapson reviews included design professionals and researchers, and for several, community members who were able to attend. We had three reviews that included interns including young people from the Connection to Independence organization.
Intern Orientation
Jamil Ford guest lecture & neighborhood tour
Site Field Trip
Class Culture Discussion
Urban & Sustainable Research Review & Community Meeting (Zoom)
Four Alternatives Review & Community Meeting (Zoom)
October 27
Students developed four design options for the neighborhood that community members could respond to, (Health & Wellness, Community Gathering, Ecology & Environment and Youth) hoping for find good directions to pursue. However the participants were not
able to understand the options- drawn as urban plans and axonometric representations
of the existing neighborhood and planned development of the riverside area. Participants didn’t see their ideas in the projects and requested that the students developing the existing neighborhood as much as the riverside area.
Youth Review at UROC
Review: Full Urban Vision
Dry Run: Final Presentation & Community Meeting
Community Design Vision Final Review @ Rapson
Final Project Review with Community
Past Exhibitions
Exhibition & Celebration: Robert Jones Urban Research and Outreach Center, 2024
Farview Park, 2022
September — December, 2022